Ideas for Rail Infrastructure

Points and Track Products:

From RIECKEN. Your provider of ideas.

Track products from RIECKEN are always a good idea. Our focus for almost 60 years has been on making track systems and products for national and light rail networks safer, economical and sustainable. A medium-sized family business, we specialise in meeting our customers’ individual requirements. We supply bespoke track solutions, even for single applications, with custom-made points parts and track products, patented in-house developments and special solutions from our design and development department. Everything we supply is manufactured in our own facility. This gives a decisive edge in precision, flexibility and in meeting the delivery requirements of our customers.

Development and construction expertise:

Special solutions for your problems

No two track projects are the same. Operators reap the greatest benefit from rail solutions that are precisely adapted to their particular requirements, this is one of our strengths. With special solutions created by our own design and development department we produce and supply the quality of product that will make your installation safe and durable for the long term.

Maintenance and repair:

RIECKEN on-site service

On-site service

We will come out to you, whether in an emergency or for regular maintenance and servicing of our products. Simply call +49 5461 801480.

Arrange a maintenance appointment »

A safe decision

Your expert for rail and track


We provide state of the art track solutions in compliance with the specifications of all relevant approval bodies.


RIECKEN has been developing an manufacturing track products and systems for almost 60 years. Our experience from each project flows into the next one – that’s the secret of how we keep getting even better.


Our service team will be on site quickly if there’s ever an emergency. Our production is fast too, we produce everything ourselves – meaning no time losses here.

We will be happy to advise you about your options

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